
Susan Dobson Vanishing Point

Dobson’s exhibition, entitled “Vanishing Point,” comprises a series of large-scale images printed on transparent film and suspended throughout the gallery from above. The viewer’s relationship and proximity to the works is significantly altered by this presentation. Rather than taking a passive position in front of wall-mounted works, one is obliged to move around and about the images, discerning for oneself the sequence and narrative. Furthermore, as the viewer meanders throughout the gallery, the images gently undulate and sway, as if coaxed and caressed by a gentle breeze. Says Dobson:

“The responded to the subtlest of disturbances, like emotional indexes. They overlap, partially obscuring, but also revealing what lies behind and beyond. These prints have to be physically negotiated for an unencumbered view, in the anxious search for an illusory answer, a denied resolution.