Jennifer Vosacek will exhibit 5 narrative videos, Marriage List, Caretaker Challenge, La Ruda, Hole in Amsterdam, and Rachel, Nevada, in her first Canadian exhibition, held at PLATFORM. Her videos examine her familial structure, specifically her obsessive mother, whom she describes as “extremely dominating and concerned with my life”. She inverts the innate power structure between mother and daughter by placing herself in the role of director and observer, and presenting her mother as a “tragicomic” figure. Vosacek will be traveling to Winnipeg for her exhibition. She will give an artist talk at PLATFORM prior to her exhibition opening on January 12, 2007.
Jennifer Vosacek is an emerging artist living in San Francisco, California. She recently received her Master of Fine Art’s degree from Yale University in 2005. Her work has been shown at Worth Ryder Gallery, CA; Museum of New Art (MONA), MI; Green Hall Gallery, CT; Beaufort, Luxembourg; and Salt Institute Gallery, ME, among others.
Image: Jennifer Vosacek, Installation View, Hole in Amsterdam, 2007.