
Roby Arngna'naaq, Jack Butler, Sheila Butler, Myra Kukiiyaut, Patrick Mahon, William Noah Art and Cold Cash


Art and Cold Cash is a multi-layered creative investigation that connects contemporary art to discourses surrounding money in a series of artistic activities and experiments. Jack Butler, Sheila Butler, and Patrick Mahon are artists whose practices function manly in southern Canada and internationally, and we have, since April 2004, been working in collaboration with writer Ruby Arngna’naaq, and artist William Noah.  This exhibition foregrounds a certain politicization of contemporary Inuit art within the broader context of politics of interpretation that determines conditions for presentation in urban North American and European art galleries.It is clear that in southern urban situations, as well as in the Arctic, in the wake of nineteenth and twentieth century art history, artworks as commodities occupy troubled ground.  Art and Cold Cash problematizes some of the many assumptions that inhere in the collecting of art, in addition to bringing a template for critical analysis to art produced for export in Baker Lake.  – Art and Cold Cash Collective

Exhibition 13 February- 4 April 2009

Reception 13 February, Friday 7 – 10pm

Panel Discussion 14 February, Saturday 3 PM